Occupy Wall Street: New Movie 'Occupy Unmasked' Reviewed [Video]
April 29, 2012 07:10 AM EDT
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Is Occupy Wall Street a grass roots movement? A new film, Occupy Unmasked attempts to answer that question and gives the viewer a peek into the minds of the Occupiers themselves. Sean Hannity from Fox News reviews the movie. In the interview, he says that the film shows that the movement is an "organized, coordinated effort by liberal operatives and funded by left wing mega donors".
Sean Hannity interviews the writer/director of the film, Stephen K. Bannon and executive director David Bossie. The interview includes some fascinating and disturbing clips from the movie, which also features the late Andrew Breitbart. The preview offers a montage of democrats praising the movement, such as Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, and also shows how they have disparaged the Tea Party as radicals, even with no evidence of violence at Tea Party events. In the preview, Andrew Breitbart announces, "We are finally telling you the true story behind the radicals in the Occupy movement." The film shows many incidents of violence and is quite disturbing.
Steve Bannon makes a very interesting statement about the Tea Party. He says that after their huge victory in November, 2010, the narrative changed in America (finally) to addressing the out of control spending in Washington. The news was about "raising the debt ceiling" in August, 2011, which the director points out was not good for President Obama. He continues to say that the Occupy Movement did not "just appear" and that the film shows the infrastructure under the movement.
Who is funding the movement? Bannon believes that it is funded by a combination of big liberal groups, such as SEIU and George Soros funded groups, which is not in dispute. Andrew Breitbart believed that the anxiety that has been taught to children in school and in college about the American System, fuelled further by liberal media figures, such as Bill Maher, is coming to a head and that these protestors are being used. The piece shows one woman who claims to be a socialist, who stated that her professors taught her that socialism was the best system.
The Occupy Wall Street website declares, "We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence", which is quite vague and almost endorses violence, if it is necessary. Most telling is that the movement itself does not strongly denounce the violence which occurs again and again during protests.
A preview for Occupy Unmasked is on their website and can be seen here:
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